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Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Indian cattle breed behind the white revolution in Brazil

India is the leading milk-producing country in the world, accounting for 20 per cent of the global market share where dairying is considered a major source of livelihood for farmers particularly in the times of agrarian distress.

The total cattle population in India is 192.49 Million in 2019, witnessing an increase of 0.8 per cent over previous Livestock Census of 2012. About 36 per cent of the total livestock is contributed by cattle in India. The female cattle population has increased by 18.0 per cent, and male cattle decreased by 30.2 per cent over the previous census.

The milk processing industry in India is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of nearly 14.8 per cent between FY 2018 and FY 2023, and will touch Rs 2,458.7 billion in FY 2023. On the other hand, Brazil has had an average growth of 7 per cent in world milk production, which has led the country to occupy the fifth position in terms of volume.

Maharaja of Bhavnagar, Gujarat, Krishna Kumarsinhji Bhavsinhji and first Indian Governor of Madras was instrumental in changing the fortunes of the Brazilian Dairy Industry.

In the 18th century, Maharaja gifted a `Gir’ cattle pair to Celso Garcia Cid, an icon in the history of Brazilian livestock and successful entrepreneur. This breed is famous for its down horns and reddish-white coat. The bull gifted was named `Krishna’, after one of the most popular Hindu gods worshipped in India.

When Krishna was brought to Brazil in 1960, it started a genetic revolution that made `Gir’ one of the most valued breeds in the bovine embryo market and spawned a mixed breed. It is estimated that 80 per cent of Brazilian `Gir’ cattle carry genes from the `Krishna’ bull that is now referred to as `Gyr’. The `Gyr’ was subsequently crossbred with Holstein, a Dutch variety, to create the hybrid ‘Girolando’. This breed grew rapidly across Brazil and contributed to about 80 per cent of the nation’s milk production and was registered officially in 1989 by Brazil’s agriculture ministry.

Gir cows which brought a white revolution in Brazil, has over the years, become a high milk-yielding breed and is quite popular in South American countries due to its ability to survive in extreme weather and tropical diseases.

Brazil now has about 40 lakh heads of `Gir’ cattle and a well-cared-for `Gir’ cow is capable of yielding an average of 30 to 40 litres of milk a day, and this can even go up to 60 to 70 litres. This huge amount of milk contributes to the Brazilian economy.

In recognition of the Gir’s role in the country’s economy, it finds a place on Brazil’s coins and in recognition of Maharaja Krishna Kumarsinhji Bhavsinhji’s contribution to its dairy industry; the country has erected a statue of the late ruler near its Parliament House. Over time, this breed has now spread across the American continent and the Gir cow is one of the principal `Zebu’ breeds of cattle that originated in India.

Another breed ‘Ongole’ strain from Andhra Pradesh led to the production of the `Zebu’ variety is known in Brazil as ‘Nelore’. Collaboration between India and Brazil for cattle genomics is already on the ground now. The Telangana government has decided to create its own proto-type of Zebu with the objective of improving the milk production of Indian cattle. Brazil still imports fresh embryos from India to rejuvenate its cattle breed.

In 2016, India and Brazil signed MOU between the Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries (DADF) and Brazilian Agriculture Research Corporation (EMBRAPA) on cooperation in the Fields of Zebu Cattle Genomics and Assisted Reproductive Technologies. The Brazilian government has agreed to set up an Indo-Brazil Centre of Excellence for Cattle and Sheep Breeding, research and development facility, at Nizamabad as part of the Gopal Gram scheme, where it will provide technical expertise and also train officials. The ‘Gokul Gram’ scheme works towards the conservation and development of native cattle breeds.

In 2018, India signed an MoU with Brazil for one lakh doses of frozen Gir bull semen for artificial insemination to increase the indigenous breed’s yield. However, cow breeders in India are up in arms against the proposed import of one lakh semen doses from Brazil to produce Gir breed of cows as they feel it would affect the purity of the native breed in the country and affect dairy farmers adversely.

The South and South-eastern regions of Brazil are the main milk-producing areas with Minas Gerais being the largest milk-producing state, accounting for 25 per cent of total milk production in 2018. Last year, Rio Grande do Sul accounted for 14 per cent and Paraná accounted for 13 per cent, which is an increase of two per cent from 2017. Average milk production in Brazil was 27.9 litres/cow/day in 2018, an increase of 3.2 per cent compared to the previous year.

The Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture initiated a Dairy Goat Breeding Plan in 2005, with Livestock and Food and the Association of Goats and Sheep Breeders of Minas Gerais. In testing more than 20 herds with Saanen, Alpine and Nubian bucks, the average total milk yield in a complete lactation was 768 kg, the 305 days milk yield was 676 kg, the lactation length was 278 days and the daily yield was 2.75 kg/d from a total of approximately 8,000 tests. The climatic variables were the strongest contributions to the differences in dairy goat production between regions of Brazil.

On the other hand, In India, nearly 4 per cent of milk contributed from goat and Rajasthan is the leading state (BAHS, 2014). At present scenario, India stands first in goat milk production and second in goat meat production in the world. In-country, ICAR- National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources- the nodal agency for breed registration in India has registered 26 breeds of Goat. Out of these, the high genetic merit (more meat “chevon”, milk and fibre production) indigenous registered breeds exist are only 12 breeds. Black Bengal, Osmanabadi, Barbari and Kannaiadu goat breeds are excellent in chevon quality and production. The major milk-producing goat breeds are Jamunapari, Beetal, Jakhrana and Surti while Changthangi, Chegu and Gaddi have good potential for fibre/pashmina production. Total Goat Population in the country is 148.88 Million during 2019, which is increased by 10.14 per cent over previous Livestock Census 2012 and about 27.8 per cent of the total livestock is contributed by goats.

Both countries can adopt Breeding Strategies for improving goat milk production is an important factor and formulating the breeding strategy for goat improvement, the formulators should have the criteria, like the adaptability of the breeds in the local agro-climatic conditions, the Socio-economic condition of the farmer, Availability of good quality bucks, Conservation of indigenous recognised breeds by preventing them from rampant genetic dilution. In India exotic breeds like Alpine, Sannen have been used with the indigenous breed to improve their milk production.

The selective breeding and crossbreeding can be adopted based on the need of the locality, demand for the market, traits under consideration. Milk yield traits are medium to high heritable in nature, response to selection will be better. Performance recording and progeny testing programs should be encouraged to select and propagate elite bucks. Nucleus flocks/herds can be established with best performing females and their male progenies and can be linked with farmers flock. Artificial insemination with liquid and preferably frozen semen may be adopted to make the progeny testing programmed more effective.

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Article by Sandeep Wasnik | Latin America & the Caribbean Market Expert
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Saturday, November 16, 2019

South American Lithium “A Fuel for Indian future Vehicles” is the most wanted commodity in the international markets.

Indian Electric Vehicles (EV) dreams depend on the supply of lithium, cobalt, nickel and manganese to manufacture the EV batteries. These batteries are massive 500 kg pack consisting of hundreds of large lithium-ion cells. For India, the biggest worry is looking for mines for these metals, as it has set plans to replace a significant portion of its conventional combustion engine fleet by EVs in the next decade.

A high-level delegation of Khanij Bidesh India Ltd., (KABIL) set up by the government has made several trips looking for acquiring strategic mineral assets in “Lithium Triangle” in three countries in South America including Argentina, Bolivia and Chile. These three countries have taken very different approaches to exploit the Lithium which is also known as ‘White Gold’.
Almost 66% of the world's lithium reserves are in South America. Due to high-altitude South American nations’ salt flats are the key suppliers of the metal, with vast deposits. The investor-friendly nations are attracting prospectors and developers. Recently the discovery of Peru’s hard rock lithium has been attracting the consumers and giving a lucrative opportunity to EVs manufacturers.

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South American Lithium production is expected to grow by 199%. Chile’s largest lithium reserve is located in the Atacama Desert, one of the aridest places in the world and therefore ideal for lithium extraction and storage (the metal is highly flammable and potentially explosive when exposed to water). Argentina boasts of vast lithium deposits which are located mainly in the northern provinces of Jujuy, Salta and Catamarca. Bolivia has the largest deposits of the three countries of the lithium triangle, which is located in the Salar de Uyuni area, not far from Potosí and Salar de Coipasa. Although Bolivian lithium reserves are estimated to be among the largest, if not the world’s largest, the production of this metal contributes only to a small extent to the country’s economy. However, due to the recent political uncertainty in Bolivia, investors and explorers are probably going to be a bit wary of going to that country. Info-graph will show the Lithium reserves in South America.

Today, in India, all OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturer) import Lithium-ion cells from China, Taiwan and South Korea, India only has Cell-to-Pack manufacturing (assembly) plants totalling 1 GWh of annual production capacity. On the other hand, China is already planning to have 630 GWh of annual battery production capacity by 2023. India has imported nearly $1.225 Billion Lithium-ion Batteries from the world in April 2018-March 2019; this includes all sizes and different uses of Lithium-ion batteries. Info graph shows the import of Lithium-ion Batteries in India from April 2015 to July 2019 and can be easily calculated by linear equation y = 0.0694x - 2920.50.

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China remains the world's largest electric car market and electric two/three-wheelers on the road exceeded 300 million. And the vast majority of them are in China with sales in the tens of millions per year, the Chinese market for electric two-wheelers is several hundred times larger than anywhere else in the world. Therefore, India is likely to face lots of issues looking for Lithium mineral resources in the world, Most of the Lithium minerals reservoirs or Stocks are reserved by Chinese Lithium-ion batteries manufacturer. Although the electric vehicle (EV) market is still in its nascent stage India, it is expected to be more important going forward, as the Indian government has undertaken various initiatives to promote electric vehicles. Indian EVs players in the market focus to expand their business operations and have consistently introduced innovative solutions to enhance their products portfolio. Thus, expansion and product launch are two prominent growth strategies adopted by these players. Info-graphics shows top impacting factors to introduce EVs in 2017 and 2025.

At present, EV market penetration is only 1% of total vehicle sales in India, and of that, 95% of sales are electric two-wheelers/three-wheelers. To ramp up the industry some actions are needed to be taken - like charging infrastructure and stations for batteries and mobility service providers. As well as automobile sectors should focus on educating consumer base on how to differentiate between hybrid and electric vehicles.
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There is also a misconception that the electric two, three and car could provide a maximum mileage of 70km per charge, however, EVs models in the Indian market can deliver a mileage of over 100 km per charge. 

Research institutions and automobile sector need to work on the use of suitable Li-Ion batteries, where the 60-70% cost of EVs is only for Battery in it. To understand this more clearly Info-graph shows comparisons of different types of Li-ion batteries used in EVs from the following perspectives: capacity, specific power, safety, performance, life span, and cost. This concludes that Lithium Nickel Manganese Cobalt Oxide (NMC), Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP) and Lithium Manganese Oxide (LMO) batteries stand out as being superior among.

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Article by Sandeep Wasnik | Latin America & the Caribbean Market Expert
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Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Colombia looks to India for pharmaceutical raw material

Colombia Pharmaceutical market is the 4th largest market in Latin America with a CARG of 7.3% and to participate in this market, it must be considered that the country is self-sufficient 400 laboratories and maquilas. This means that Colombia is the producer of medicines. However, for the requirement of raw materials, such as the active ingredient and excipients, Colombia is fully dependent on imports.

How can Indian Pharmaceutical Companies enter the Colombian market?
The Colombian National Food and Drug Surveillance Institute (Spanish: Instituto Nacional de Vigilancia de Medicamentos y Alimentos or INVIMA) is a regulatory authority in charge of inspecting and supervising the marketing and manufacturing of health products. And also, in identifying and evaluating the violation of health standards or procedures, and implementing best practices and providing medical approval for the import and export of products.

To enter the Colombian market, Pharmaceutical Medicine and Equipment should be approved and registered by INVIMA to manufacture, sell, import or export. The registration of medicines and equipment in Colombia is the fastest as compared to other Latin American countries and this process usually takes 90 to 180 days to get it register and approval by INVIMA. The registration of medicine is valid for 5 years and medical equipment is for 10 Years. An Indian company which is looking to export medicines and equipment needs to appoint a Colombian Legal Representative who will submit registrations to INVIMA.

Now, the question is: What about the prices of drugs and devices regulation? Price control over drugs and medical devices is determined under the National Commission of Medicines and Medical Devices (Spanish: Comision Nacional De Precios De Medicamentos Y Dispositivos Médicos) scope. The National Commission of Medicines and Medical Devices annually assigns a reference price for all medicinal products marketed in the country. This price is considered a regulatory tool to establish the price for each commercial presentation of the medicinal product.

India can use Colombia as a regional platform to access the surrounding nations like Argentina, Peru, Chile and Ecuador and also can take advantage of Colombia free trade agreements (FTA) with the United States, the European Union and the Pacific Alliance (comprises of Chile, Mexico, Colombia, and Peru)

Indian exports of Pharmaceutical Products to Colombia:
Till date, India stands consistently on 9th position as an exporter of Pharmaceutical Products to Colombia from more than 10 years. The Indian export of pharmaceutical products is rising and can be calculated by a linear equation (y = 0.0008x - 26.868). Info-graph shows the per month export of Pharmaceutical Products (HS Code 30) from January 2010 till April 2019 from India to Colombia.
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Overview of Colombian Pharmaceuticals Market:
Nearly 65% market share is held by Colombian local Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and 35% by Multinational Companies, where 43% are Generic medicine, 41% are Patented medicine and 16% are OTC. An overview of the type of pharmaceutical medicine demanded by Colombians are - 46 % mainly for analgesics (Especially for Migraine pain relieve and Musculoskeletal), 24% Cough and Colds Relieve medicine and Allergies medicines, 14% Digestive medicines, 10% Dermatological products and 8% are those demanded by the elderly population over the age of 65 years. These figures clearly indicate the consumption pattern of medicine in Colombia. The import of pharmaceutical products demand is rising and can be calculated by a linear equation (y = 0.0204x – 677.44) Info-graph show the per month import of Pharmaceutical Products from January 2010 till April 2019 in Colombia from the world.
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Info-graph of Pharmaceutical Products export from India to Colombia clearly shows which type of Pharmaceutical Products is importing in Colombia by its classification, HS Code – 3004 was recorded $49.83 Million in 2018 with 61.44% in overall Pharmaceutical Products exports from India. This 4 Digit HS Code – 3004 is Categorized for “Medicaments consisting of mixed or unmixed products for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, put up in measured doses including those in the form of transdermal administration or in forms or packings for retail sale (excluding goods of heading 3002, 3005 or 3006). While other 4 Digit HS Code – 3003 was recorded $16.73 Million with a 20.63% and is categorized for “Medicaments consisting of two or more constituents mixed together for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, not in measured doses or put up for retail sale (excluding goods of heading 3002, 3005 or 3006)”.
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Colombia Pharmaceuticals Import and Export Market:
Colombia has a huge requirement of raw materials such as the active ingredient and excipients to produce medicine where the local companies depend on Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API). The total export of Pharmaceutical Products from Colombia to the world is recorded at $350.629 Million in 2018 and on the other hand, the total Import of pharmaceutical products from the world in 2010 was $1.469 Billion and in 2018 was $2.394 Billion. Info-graph shows the Top 10 Export of Pharmaceutical Products for Colombia.
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Info-graph of Pharmaceutical Products Imports in Colombia from the world clearly shows that Pharmaceutical Products which is classified by HS Code – 3004 was recorded $1427.50 Million in 2018 with 59.63% in overall Pharmaceutical Products import. This 4 Digit HS Code – 3004 is Categorized for “Medicaments consisting of mixed or unmixed products for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, put up in measured doses including those in the form of transdermal administration or in forms or packing's for retail sale (excluding goods of heading 3002, 3005 or 3006) have more.

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Yes, Colombia has bigger opportunities for imports of raw materials and experiencing demands for pharmaceutical products as a result of the country’s positive economic landscape, booming population and government policies to broaden access to medicines through the expansion in health insurance and affordable drug coverage. It is the first country in the region to achieve Universal Health Coverage, offering a benefits package to all citizens regardless of whether they contribute or not.

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Article by Sandeep Wasnik | Latin America & the Caribbean Market Expert
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Sunday, September 22, 2019

Huge opportunity! How Indian Pharmaceutical companies can get in Central America’s Panama Market

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Panama aims to become a pharmaceutical hub for the region and the robust economic growth poses upside risk to pharmaceuticals and healthcare sector growth over a multi-quarter horizon and Over the Counter (OTC) and Prescription Medicines. Despite a small population size by regional standards, Panama will continue to create commercial opportunities for foreign drug makers given rising demand for chronic disease treatment. Info-graphics shows the Top 10 Causes of death in Panama due to disease in 2018.

An overview of Panama Pharmaceutical Market:

The pharmaceutical market growth CAGR 7% till 2022, where the pharmaceutical market in Panama is extremely dependent on imported products, which make up 90% of the whole, while the remaining percentage is made up of locally produced and distributed drugs (8%) and labelled and processed products in the country (2%). The country’s connectivity, logistics and fiscal regime are attractive factors for MNC’s, most of which import to the Colón Free Zone, packaging and re-conditioning products which are then re-exported to the region with value added. Considering Panama’s ideal geographic location between North and South America, maritime connectivity along the Panama Canal and Tocumen International Airport, which is the largest airport in the region, these factors make it a business-friendly place along with tax and fiscal incentives. Generic medicine usage will remain relatively despite high spending per capita on medicine, while recurrent drug shortages and public procurement inefficiencies will continue to hinder the health sector. 

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India in Panama Pharmaceutical Market: 

India is already master of generic medicine manufacture and more than 70% export to WHO. An amendment in Medicine Law 1 (Medicine Law 1: Regulates Drugs and other Human Health related products) can increase the imports of pharmaceutical products in Panama. The export of Indian pharmaceuticals products to the Panama has increased by 54.39% from 2014 to 2018, where the Pharmaceuticals Product export was recorded $8.99 Million in 2014 was and $13.88 in 2018. Info-graphic show the pharmaceuticals Products Exports to Panama from India.

How India can get in Panama Pharmaceutical Market: 

There are some facts that Indian exporter should know that the of pharmaceuticals products in Panama has no pharmaceuticals price regulation and Panama Colon Free Trade also offers that all pharmaceutical medicines are 100% import duty-free. 

To get enter in Panama Pharmaceutical Market - the Pharmaceutical Product has to be registered in Ministerio de Salud de la República de Panamá “MINSA” (Ministry of Health) which is the Food and Drug Administration federal agency of Panama. To register the generic medicine, the time frame is approximately six months, while for New Chemical Entity (NCE) it takes an average of 2 years to get an application approved and valid for 5 years. Currently the market for Over the Counter (OTC) and Prescription Medicines in Panama is dominated by multinational companies. 

"Nearly 60% import of biological and biotechnological pharmaceutical goes to the Social Security Fund (Spanish: Caja de Seguro Social, CSS) which is Panama's National Healthcare System." 

The Ministerio de Salud de la República de Panamá “MINSA” (Ministry of Health) and Caja de Seguro Social “CSS” (Social Security Fund) both keep publishing public tenders through an online platform for Medical Services and Medical Equipments. 

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Rising demand for Pharmaceutical Products in Panama:

In August 2019, Panama’s Health Minister, Rosario Turner Montenegro presented a bill to the National Assembly for an amendment in articles 40 and 51 of medicines Law 1. The proposed amendments to Law 1 indicate that the Ministry of Health, through the Directorate of Pharmacies and Drugs, upon a technically based request, may authorize the imports of pharmaceutical products. And, also, raw materials necessary for the manufacture and marketing of medicines, without the respective sanitary registry, in cases of emergency care that arise due to the effects of public calamities and natural disasters. 

This bill will ask suppliers to present certifications from countries with high standards or from organizations such as the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the World Health Organization (WHO). The bill also calls for the establishment of a national governing body to ensure all purchasing processes between suppliers and private companies are in compliance and quality standards are followed through in addition to timely payment. 

Panama import and Export of Pharmaceutical Products:

Mexico is the topmost exporter of Pharmaceuticals product to Panama in 2018 and has recorded export value of $168.76 million, followed by Switzerland - $162.57, United States of America - $ 121.31 and so on as shown in Info-graphic of the Panama Import and Export of Pharmaceuticals Product.

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Article by Sandeep Wasnik | Latin America & the Caribbean Market Expert
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Saturday, August 31, 2019

Peru will become one of the 6th largest "Hard Rock Lithium" resources in the world and how Lithium findings in Peru are making it advantageous for India

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Latin America’s “Lithium Triangle” of Chile, Argentina and Bolivia has been around for a long time. But a recent discovery further north has fueled speculation that Peru too might join the lithium party and turn the triangle into a square. Recent discovery in the Peru Andean and Peruvian south, were confirmed by 2.5 million tons high-grade lithium resources which is seven times higher than the deposits of Bolivia and Chile. This would make Peru one of the 6th largest hard rock lithium resources in the world.

"The average price of Lithium Carbonates in the international market is quoted at $12,500 a ton and for purer products it can go up to US $18,000 a ton."

The President of Peru Martin Vizcarra is trying to establish regulated development of the resource with estimations of approximately $500 million value per year of exports to support continued growth of the nation’s economy. A Canadian based company "Plateau Energy Metals" is now seeking a partner to help develop the deposit, which is at its Falchani site in the highland region of Puno. It is believed that if and when mining starts it will be the world’s biggest lithium mine

Lithium demand in Indian Market.
In 2018, Indian import of Lithium Carbonate was recorded $14.504 Million (1656.30 tons) and Lithium Hydroxide & Oxide was $35.127Million (1984.23 tons) from the world. Although in 2018, Import of “Lithium Carbonate” from Latin America was recorded $4.5 Million in India where Chile was the Second largest exporter of “Lithium Carbonate” recorded $4.02 Million after the United States of America $4.98 Million and Argentina Lithium Carbonate export recorded $0.48 Million to India in 2018. Yet Bolivia has not exported any Lithium Mineral to India. Info-graphic show Lithium carbonate import in India from the world.

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The lithium-ion battery market in India is expected to grow at a CAGR of 34.8% during the forecast period of 2019 – 2024. Factors such as improved capacity and performance factor of Lithium-Ion Battery, India shifted toward automotive industry such as, Electric Vehicle and Energy Storage Systems for both Commercial and Residential applications. The increasing adoption of battery technology as well as the development of cost-effective production methods has resulted in the decline in lithium-ion battery cost which is expected to be the major drivers for the lithium-ion battery market in India.

A delegation from Khanij Bidesh India Ltd (KABIL) has already visited the Lithium Triangle countries in South America to explore opportunities in the mining of Lithium.

The discovery of Lithium in Peru was confirmed by 2.5 Million tons high-grade lithium resources which would be good opportunity for India. India can seek Joint Venture or can reserve the Lithium Stock which will help Battery manufactures setup a Giganet Batteries Factories locally under the ‘Make in India initiative for Electric Vehicle components as well as Electric Vehicle Batteries.

Geography of Lithium Deposit in Peru:
A Canadian based company “Plateau Energy Metals” discovered the Lithium in Peru and setup the two projects in Macusani region, Posco. One is for Lithium extraction -- "Falchani Lithium Project and another project is for Uranium extraction called “Macusani Uranium Project”. As shown in the infographic.

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Both projects are located on the Macusani plateau, 4,500 meters above sea level, contains litiferous tuffs with a law of 3,500 to 4,000 ppm (Parts per million), higher than the average of 500 ppm that are exploited in the Salar located between Chile and Bolivia

Type of Lithium Deposit in Peru:
Lithium rich brines are formed through the chemical weathering of volcanic lithium bearing rocks by hydro-thermal fluids usually restricted to basins in areas of high evaporation, forming lithium carbonate minerals such as zabuyelite.

Close to 70% of the world’s lithium brine deposits are situated along the borders of Chile, Bolivia and Argentina (Lithium Triangle) area. The Lithium Triangle contains the largest brine source lithium deposits such as Salar de Atacama, Sala de Uyuni and Salar de Homebre Muerto.

Lithium minerals such as spodumene, petalite and lepodolite are found in coarse crystalline hydro-thermal pegmatites, formed by the crystallization of post magmatic fluids. Lithium containing pegmatites are rare and are generally associated with tin and tantalite. The style of lithium mineralization for the Macusani region is very different to these types of deposits, as it is interpreted to be inherent within the glass-rich acidic volcanic tuffs. At Falchani, the lithium-rich volcanic tuff unit is interpreted to be sub-aerial and the transitional Li-rich breccias are interpreted to have been deposited in a Crater Lake volcano-sedimentary environment.

This discovery of Hard Rock Peruvian Lithium in Puno will be of advantage for India. By 2021 Peru could export close to $400 - $500 Million Lithium to the world. There will be price difference in Hard Rock Lithium from Peru and Lithium from brine resources which is from the “Lithium Triangle” Argentina, Chile and Bolivia. The price difference is due to its extracting operational costs because in Puno there is nearly 120 million pounds of Uranium on top of the tuff and it is contained in Hard Rocks.

Right now, Peru does not have laws in place to govern the handling and transportation of radioactive Uranium; this would slow the lithium extraction process. Meanwhile, Peruvian government is reviewing its mining legislation to allow for the safe transportation of uranium.

South American Lithium Market overview:
Nearly all of Latin American lithium mine production in 2018 is estimated at 22,800t by the US Geological Survey, and corresponded to brine operations in Chile (16,000t), Argentina (6,200t) and Brazil (600t). On the other hand, Bolivia, though boasting 9 million metric tons in lithium resources, has suffered from a lack of exploration, infrastructure and technology and is seeking to tap its lithium potential. Chinese (Xinjiang TBEA Group-Baocheng) and German (ACI Systems GmbH) investors are interested in lithium of Bolivia and sign a Joint Venture to build a lithium processing plant in Bolivia.

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Article by Sandeep Wasnik | Latin America & the Caribbean Market Expert
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Monday, July 1, 2019

Latin American Apples Keep Doctor Away in India !

India’s import was recorded $304.01 Million value Fresh Apples around the world

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India’s production is estimated to rise nearly 400,000 tons to 2.3 million, rebounding from last year’s weather-affected crop. The apple producing states in India are Jammu & Kashmir, Arunachal Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. Imports are anticipated to remain constant at 245,000 tons as higher shipments from the U.S., New Zealand, and Chile contribute towards filling the gap left from lost China supplies. From Year 2017, ban on China apples remains in place.

India is not self-sufficient in producing apples, the Indian apple producers start the market with good quality, then the supplies run low in January. Import Apples are able to supplement the consumers of India until the local crop starts in August. The country of India imports 24 times more apples than it produces.

On the other hands, in 2019, Increase in duty on imports from the US is likely to strengthen the prices of apple in Indian Market. Due to higher price of US apples, Indian importers will turn the trade to other destinations like Chile, New Zealand, Iran, Turkey and Afghanistan to full fill the Indian fruits market need.

India’s import was recorded $304.01 Million value Fresh Apples in (Jan-Dec) 2018, where US was the first largest exporter recorded value $165.38 and Chile was the second largest exporter recorded value $57.33 Million of the Fresh Apples for India in (Jan-Dec) 2018.
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Indian importer can also turn the trade toward others Latin American countries, Like Argentina and Brazil, there are two more destination from where Indian can import, Mexico and Uruguay, but right now both countries apple production is downwards trend.  
Recently fresh Apple import from Brazil suddenly increase by 432.98% which was recorded $4.01 Million in (Jan-Dec) 2018 and previously $0.752 Million was recorded in (Jan-Dec) 2017. As same Argentinian apple also suddenly increased by 422.36% which was recorded $0.841 million in (Jan-Dec) 2018 and previously $0.161 was recorded in (Jan-Dec) 2017.

There are seven different varieties being imported in India – Red Delicious, Royal Gala, Granny Smith, Piñata, Pink Lady, Honeycrisp, organic variety with the first two remaining the primary varieties. Organic apples will cater to the health-conscious Indian consumers. India's apex food regulator, FSSAI, recently issued a guidance note on the use of stickers on imported fruits and vegetables, as they could lead to the contamination of the food product.The stickers that we use on our fruits are 100% safe and present no risk of contamination.

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India, not only the importing Apples from Latin American also importing edible fruits and nuts which was recorded $100.778 Million in 2018.

In 2018, Chile launches campaign to promote kiwifruit in India. Chile is the third largest exporter of kiwifruit in the world and earned $188 million through kiwifruit exports in 2017. With Chile signing a Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA) with India in 2017, the Latin American country enjoys 50 per cent advantage in tariffs as compared to other countries that export this exotic fruit to India. 

Currently around 60% of Argentine lemons go to Europe, especially the Netherlands and Spain, with much of the rest going to the Far East, Canada, Russia and the Ukraine.The Indian  markets have opened to Argentine lemons, although phytosanitary protocols still need to be settled before exports can begin at the end of the 2019 campaign. Argentina is working on lowering the tariffs required by India, which currently stand at 30%. As a result of this tariff, India will not immediately become an important market, but in the long-term, given its enormous population, Argentina spies great prospects on the subcontinent. For now, Indians are not used to consuming yellow lemon, but rather a kind of lime, similar to the Tahiti lime. Therefore, as consumer trends change, the prospects for Argentina’s lemons will improve. Genova and Eureka are the main lemon varieties grown in Argentina.
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Peruvian avocados began entering the Indian market from September 2017 by air and the first maritime container arrived at Mumbai's Nhava Sheva port in July 2018, where $0.277 Million value avocado imported in India in 2018. Hass Avocados are increasingly becoming a favoured food amongst Indians today. They are used in guacamole, spreads, salads and sauces to accompany meals. Avocados are a popular superfood. They are slightly nutty, creamy and full of flavour. Hass avocados in particular are versatile in the way one can consume them. The fat in the rich Hass avocados make for better taste and texture, apart from being highly nutritious. Unlike other varieties, these avocados have more healthy fat content and are considered to be ideal for a low-carb diet. This is also why they are favoured by many weight-watchers. Additionally, avocado oil has proven benefits for a healthy heart and skin. It can help lower and control cholesterol levels. Moreover, avocados are said to contain more potassium than bananas, along with being rich in several vitamins. Pricing these widely consumed avocados at INR 750 per kilogram.

Here is the list of fruits which are importing in India from Latin America:
  • Fresh Apples – Chile, Argentina and Brazil
  • Fresh Kiwifruit – Chile
  • Fresh cranberries, bilberries and other fruits of the genus Vaccinium - Chile
  • Fresh grapes – Chile, Peru
  • Dried prunes – Chile and Argentina
  • Fresh or Dried Cashew Nut in Shell – Venezuela
  • Fresh or Dried Avocados - Peru
  • Fresh or dried walnuts (shelled) - Chile
  • Fresh or Dried almonds in shell – Chile
  • Fresh strawberries - Argentina
  • Fresh Lemon - Argentina
  • Fresh pears – Chile and Argentina
  • Fresh cherries (Excluding sour cherries) – Chile and Argentina
  • Dried prunes - Chile

Article by Sandeep Wasnik | Latin America & the Caribbean Market Expert
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